At GTE Financial we value our members time and continue to find ways to make banking Instantly Easy for all those we serve.
Online Banking
With GTE Online Banking, you can view your accounts, make transfers, pay bills, and download statements. All you need is an internet connection and a password. GTE's Online Banking experience is getting a refresh! Click here to explore the innovative, enhanced features.
Future Change
It's amazing how much money you can actually save simply by rounding up your change! With GTE's Future Change experience, with each debit purchase, your change will automatically round up to the nearest dollar into a special savings account accessible 24/7. Save your change for something special, donate it to a local charity, or see how much you can save by applying it directly to your GTE loan.
Design your own card
Bring your favorite memory with you wherever you go when you design your own card! With My Card Creation you can design the face of your consumer credit or debit card.
Your finances don't take weekends off, so we don't either. GTE serves our members 7am to 8pm, 7 days a week.
Here when you need us every day, 361 days a year.
Members have access to over 30,000 surcharge-free CO-OP ATMs nationwide. That's more than most of the biggest banks. And it includes selected locations where you shop, like 7-Eleven, Circle K, Costco, Publix, Dunkin Donuts, and many regional convenience store locations. Text a Zip Code to 91989 to find nearby ATM Locations.
GTE Instant Cash
We now offer a fair and financially responsible way to borrow smaller amounts of money with short payback periods. This loan is only available to GTE members and is designed to protect you from high interest rates.
52-Week Savings Challenge
Let GTE Financial help you reach your financial goals with the 52-Week Saving Challenge. GTE Financial challenges our members to save one extra dollar each week (that's $1,378 by the end of the year!) Each year, one lucky winner who completes the challenge will have their $1,378 doubled.