It's time you found your new go-to credit card! Stop by a GTE Financial location to have a card instant issued in minutes, or simply apply online! GTE's Go To Mastercard® credit card is designed for the best possible rate plus rewards redeemable for cash back, travel, gift cards and more! This card was designed to be the perfect all-around credit card for daily spenders.

Go To
GTE's Go To Mastercard® credit card, designed to give you the best rate and rewards redeemable for cash back, travel, gift cards and more!
It's Called "Go To" for a Reason!
Get Rewarded
For every dollar you spend, you’ll earn points toward awesome gift cards, travel, merchandise or cash back. With the Go To card, you’re able to redeem for exactly what you want!
The Sky's the Limit
Maximum credit limits up to $30,000 give you all the purchasing power you need, backed by Mastercard so you never have to worry about responsibility for fraudulent charges to your account.
Design Your Own Card
Features & Benefits
- $0 Annual Fee
- Earn 1x points per dollar spent
- Great low rate credit card
*Rate will be based on your creditworthiness. Annual Percentage Rate as of 11/13/2024. Annual percentage rates, terms, and conditions subject to change. All loans are subject to approval. Please review our Credit Card (Regulation Z) Disclosure for terms and conditions.